Redakcja "Studiów Pelplińskich" Plac Mariacki 7 83-130 Pelplin. / email:, tel. 58 536 5102

Pelplin Studies is a scholarly journal published by the Diocesan Seminary of Pelplin and Bernardinum Publishing House. The first issue of Pelplin Studies published in 1969 was an initiative of bishop Kazimierz Józef Kowalski. The aim of the journal was to revive the research interests of academic circles from the former Culm Diocese which had earned a respectable position in the 1920s and 30s.

Nowadays the mission of Pelplin Studies is to integrate the diocesan and Pomeranian academic circles and to present their research and academic achievements on the national and international level. The articles published in our journal focus on research in the Humanities presenting a wide range of issues pertaining to Theology, Philosophy and History

Editors of Pelplin Studies:

Rev. Eugeniusz Wajszczak (1969)

Rev. Wacław Eborowicz (1971-1979)

Bishop Zygfryd Kowalski (1980-1981)

Rev. Jerzy Buxakowski (1982-1992)

Rev. Wiesław Mering (1996-2002)

Rev. Antoni Bączkowski (2003-2013)

Rev. Janusz Szulist (since 2013)


Pelplin Studies is a reviewed journal. The criteria of accepting the articles to be published and the details of the evaluation process can be found on the website:


Pelplin Studies is indexed by the following abstracting and indexing services:



Index Copernicus


Termin nadsyłania artykułów i recenzji do „Studiów Pelplińskich 2022” upływa z dniem 30 czerwca 2023 roku.

Teksty do publikacji przesyłać na adres:

Redakcja „Studiów Pelplińskich”
Plac Mariacki 7, 83-130 Pelplin

tel. 58 536 5102

Articles and reviews for Pelplin Studies 2022 should be send before June 30, 2023.

Texts for publication should be sent to:

Redakcja „Studiów Pelplińskich”
Plac Mariacki 7, 83-130 Pelplin

tel. 58 536 5102

Copyright: Wydawnictwo Bernardinum Sp. z o.o.
ISSN 0239-4456, e-ISSN 2391-8713
Czasopismo indeksowane: Index Copernicus, CEJSH